Do and don’ts after lip tattoo?

One of the trendiest beauty enhancement right now is permanent lip blush, and it’s not only among celebs and social media influencers but also among professional women, teens, and stay-at-home mums. 

Who doesn’t like lush, voluminous, and gorgeous peachy lips, after all? However, after paying a lot of money, many ladies report that they did not achieve the anticipated results. It often occurs because they may not have done enough research before selecting an artist or failed to take the aftercare advice for lip blush carefully. The look and durability of your freshly inked lips may be significantly impacted by how you care for your lip blush thereafter.

For individuals who have just just had this lip procedure, we will address aftercare for permanent lip blush in this article.

Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3: Your lips will feel very dry, chapped, and sensitive to touch immediately after the permanent lip blush operation. They could also seem brighter and more voluminous. Inflammation and recently planted pigments are at blame.

For the first several days, apply ice for 10 minutes many times each day. To keep your lips moisturised at all times, use an ointment like Shea butter or Burt’s bees wax as often as the specialist advises.

Keep your lips free from any kissing, touching, or friction. Avoid rubbing the ointment over your lips when you apply it. Utilize a clean Q-tip to apply it.

Eat no anything that is hot, salty, greasy, or highly seasoned, and avoid drinking anything with a straw. Avoid alcohol as well. Reapply the ointment after eating by gently rinsing and cleaning your lips with water, patting them dry, and then.

For a few days, it is preferable to sleep on your old pillows since some leftover colour may transfer to the lips and stain them. It is strongly advised that for the first three days, you just use water to clean your teeth.

Your lips will go through the process of peeling on days 4, 5, 6, and 7. Consequently, the colour will fade by 30 to 50% depending on how the pigments are received by the skin on your lips. To forcefully eliminate peeling on your lips, don’t pick or scrape them. Allow them to naturally peel away. Keep moisturising your lips.

Second Week: Your lips have finished peeling off at this point, and their colour has lightened. You may now resume your regular activities. Avoid letting your lips rub together, however. For up to six weeks, your lips will continue to mend. More colour will emerge each week. However, keep your lips moist until the healing process is complete for the greatest effects. Till your lips are completely healed, stay away from direct water pressure, pools, and other water sources.

You must refrain from excessive perspiration, strenuous exercise, hot baths, tanning beds, sun exposure, laser or chemical treatments, any cream containing Retin-A or Glycolic Acid, heavy housework, working in dusty conditions, and operating open-air vehicles for fourteen days after the session.

Sixth to eighth week: At this point, your lips will have fully healed, and you will be able to view the precise outcome of your lip tattoo process. You just need to apply lip gloss to be set to leave. Continue hydrating your lips if they are still dry.

Typically, two treatments are needed to finish the lip change and provide outstanding results. Use sunscreen on your lips after healing, please. After this point, you may start wearing lipsticks, but make sure they are brand-new.

You’ll be delighted to notice how nicely your lips change if you just follow the directions above. Consult your artist and doctor if you have any symptoms or problems following the operation.