How to Know If Your Stein is Valuable

“stein” means “stone,” and steins are made using glass, crystal, or ceramic. However, it is challenging to differentiate the authentic steins from the fake ones. Most tourists buy these steins as souvenirs, only to notice they have bought a fake one on arriving home. 

The oldest form of steins is traced back to the 14th century, after the bubonic plague took away many lives in Europe. The first few pieces were made after passing the requirements of a few German principalities in the sanitary sector. These conditions stated that food and beverage vessels should have a cover to prevent diseases.

Below we discuss how to know if your oktoberfest beer stein is valuable.

Beer steins have been used as presents for a long time in Germany, and their manufacturing date is indicated on the lid. Unfortunately, we have had cases of people attaching old lids to new steins, and you should always look out using the following tips;

  • Maker Mark

Renowned stein manufacturers use recognizable marks, and their names are available in different databases. This implies that all steins bound for exporting are marked. However, note that the absence of this mark does not imply the stein is fake.

Most pieces were made for domestic use and did not have to be marked. It is also possible to find models labeled as “Western Germany” that imply they were produced from 1950 to 1990. Certain manufacturers are unique and have different marks on the steins like;

  • Sticker-like marks
  • Data pressed into the clay
  • Limited pieces with hand-written marks. 


  • Material 

Legitimate beer steins are heavy and made using expensive materials like glass, silver, and ivory. Most imported and modern steins are made using low-quality clay, and you should desist from buying them. 

It is advisable to scrutinize the stein to detect raised designs and imperfections. Older designs do not have a unique interior, meaning you can easily detect hand-painted and raised designs. 

Mass-produced steins are made using machines and can have parts that look flawless, but these colors have a low intensity and are blurred. An ideal stein should include;

  • A famous battle
  • Historical events 
  • Biblical figures.


  • Lids

It is possible to know the stern quality, age, and pricing by checking the lid’s appearance. Original metal lids are cast from a single piece, while duplicates are created poorly using three or more casts. The lid inside and edges are the following things to check.

Cheap steins have a rough shape and lack a stamp. Always be on the lookout because you can face Chinese steins at times that are fitted with an original pressed stamp. Remember, the lid’s metal will become dark with time, but its interior is always lighter than the exterior. Plus, all steins entail a thumb lift, unlike fake ones. 

The most popular lid shapes are;

  • Inlay lids are popular for ornament stoneware, wood, or glass and are surrounded by a pewter flange. 
  • Flat lids- these types are made using pewter and are common because the manufacturers can engrave them easily. 

Final Thoughts 

Beer steins are common artifacts that originated from Germany. The above article has discussed how to know the valuable ones, and you can reach out for more details.